B2B Email Marketing: Email Copywriting and Subject Line Best Practices

  1. Always think of your end GOAL in mind. This will help you identify the correct CTA. (Do you want them to read more, learn more, download now, watch/view, or register?)
  2. The lead sentence is the most important part of your email. In B2B Email Marketing, C-Levels, VPs, Directors, and Managers are being targeted. Always make sure to hook them in the first sentence.

You may use this content formula:

  • First Paragraph

-You may present the status quo: the current challenges of companies that are not aware of the best practices and services that will be promoted in your actual whitepaper. You may also talk about statistics or research you think will be beneficial to the segment reading your content. 

  • Second Paragraph

-Always answer the question “what’s in it for me?”. You may now present the solutions that can address the challenges presented in the lead paragraph. NEVER PROMOTE a specific product so your email will not appear like a sales email. Just talk about the benefits and solutions here. They will be able to see the actual product in the whitepaper anyway.

  • CTA

-Keep this part direct and simple. Use these effective CTAs: Read More, Learn More, Download Now, View this Webcast, View this Webinar.

Other important copywriting do’s and don’ts:


  • KISSKeep It Short and Simple. Professionals only spend a few seconds reading emails that do not come from their colleagues.
  • Ask questions
  • Know your segment: personalize your email content.
  • Only use CTAs at the end of your email. A lot of sales and B2C email campaigns use CTAs at the beginning of their content. It will ruin the reader’s mood.


  • Do not add too many numbers and statistics.
  • Do not offer more than one CTA.
  • In most cases, the lesser the images the better.
  • Do not treat your readers as buyers right away. Engage them first.

Subject Line Copywriting Best Practices

  1. Make sure to use less than 70 characters including space.
  2. Do not use a lot of numbers in subject lines – spammish
  3.  The How To’s, Trends, Top 10, Best Practices, 10 Reasons, Tips – kinds of subject lines are the most effective ones.
  4. Do use bait subject lines. The subject line should always be related to your actual email content.
  5. Only use pre-header text when necessary.




IntentMacro is a boutique premium digital marketing agency built to drive businesses to the top. Technology-enabled and outcome-obsessed, moving the needle is what matters to us. 

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